Should I Be Concerned about Water in the Crawlspace of My Home?

HomeBlogShould I Be Concerned about Water in the Crawlspace of My Home?

A common question by homeowners who have a home built with a crawlspace under it involves just how bad it is if there is water under the home. Unless your house is a floating one on a lake, there is never a time you should ignore water in crawlspace areas. It leaves you open to a variety of problems that can be quite costly. Here are the top reasons why you should remedy water in crawlspace issues as soon as possible:

  • Humidity Costs Money– Water in crawlspace areas increases the humidity in your home, which makes your air conditioner work harder. You’re experiencing higher than normal power bills and the system is dealing with more wear and tear, shortening its overall life.

Should I Be Concerned about Water in the Crawlspace of My Home?

  • Humidity Causes Mold– In addition to the HVAC and utility costs, higher humidity is a perfect breeding ground for mold spores. They’ll quickly activate, colonize, and spread. This can put your home in danger, as well as lead to health concerns.
  • Wood RotWater in crawlspace areas causes even pressure-treated wood to eventually begin rotting. Since what is in the same area is generally the support for your home, ignoring the issue puts the structural integrity of your home at risk.
  • Pest Infestations– In addition to mold, pests love a wet environment. The wood under your home would be vulnerable to termites and other wood-destroying insects. You could also invite rodents with water in crawlspace areas.

Now that you know how dangerous it can be to have water in crawlspace areas, reach out to us at AdvantaClean of Lake Norman, Hickory and Gastonia. We can conduct an inspection of your home’s crawlspace and provide you with solutions that will protect your home and your family from the potential dangers. Call today to learn more.